About Us

A Z’s Pills.com website is an independent source of information about medicines that is available online. Our goal is to become the most reliable resource on the internet for drug and health-related information. To achieve this objective, we strive to provide unbiased, comprehensive, and current information in a straightforward and easy-to-understand format that is useful for both healthcare professionals and consumers.

The A Z’s Pills.com website is owned and operated by A2Z Pills Limited. A2Z Pills Limited is a privately owned company administered by three Egyptian Pharmacists lives in United Arab Emirates.

Contact address:

9 Al-Tabban St, Zone 1E11
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Phone : +2 1120808949

Azspills.com is NOT affiliated with any pharmaceutical companies. The only funding we receive from pharmaceutical companies is by way of advertisements that appear on the azspills.com website.

Azspills.com is NOT an online pharmacy and does not condone the sale of prescription medicines over the Internet without a prescription. Azspills.com simply provides a free drug-information service to help you better understand how medicines work: their uses, side effects and potential to interact with other medicines. For information on purchasing prescription medicines online please visit the Azspills’s Buying Prescription Medicine Online: A Consumer Safety Guide.

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Updated: April 3, 2023